Today on The Dead Life, I have one of my favorite guests in studio, Tom McMullan! For those of you who are new to the show, he is a Karmic Astrologer with over 30 years experience and my Professor of Astrology at Dead University. For those of you wanting to learn how to interpret Astrology and read birth charts you can find Tom’s class at, along with Margaret Jamison, our Professor of Earth Magick, Diane Goldner, Professor of Healing, and yours truly, the Professor of Mediumship! Tom’s here to tell us what 2024 is going to look like. 2023 has been a real doosey, so today we’ll take a peak into what the next year will look like.

Tom McMullan
As a professional Astrologer for 33 years, Tom has helped over a thousand clients from all walks of life increase awareness, improve relationships, create self-empowerment, and uncover hidden talents and potential. He specializes in a psychological and spiritual approach to horoscope analysis.