Today, I’ll be joined by Margaret Jamison, the professor of Earth Magick at
Dead University. She’s a descendant of Appalachian Grannies and has many
years of experience in setting intentions through a power source fueled by your
own energy. She’s going to talk to us about how we can set our own intentions
for what we want in 2024!
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and is ready for a brand new year! I
know I’m not the only one ready to bid 2023, a firm farewell!

Margaret Jamison
She uses herbs and crystals and Candle magick – sort of popular right now – it is the use of the flame of the candle, combined with oils, herbs, and crystal and focusing intention. She generally does not cast spells on behalf of other people. She teaches people how to cast their own spells. It is a form of ministry and she feels it is more powerful if they do it for themselves. She will cast spells on behalf of others if they are sick. She does have apprentices.