Today on The Dead Life, I’m very excited to welcome my daughter Sophia DuBois to the show! She’ll be joining me once a month to take call-in questions from my listeners. Sophia grew up while my show Medium was on, as she got older she helped me at my events by passing the microphone to my audience members. She learned to ‘read’ people’s energy, and found out that she’s quite a strong empath! ‘Love me, Love me not’ is a new segment on The Dead life dealing with relationships. I’ll ‘tap’ into the energy of your partner or child to see what’s going on inside of their head, to help you to navigate your relationship, with a little help from Sophia.

Sophia DuBois
Sophia is the youngest of Allison DuBois children. She has toured with Allison all over the world for her events. She was in charge of choosing who was picked at each event for a reading. She also vetted the people for Buried Emotions on Youtube. She is extremely intuitive and has learned how to help people who have lost loved ones. She’s going back to school for Psychology to get an even better understanding of how to help people.