On this week’s episode of The Dead Life, I’ll be answering your questions about abilities and how to strengthen them. I get a lot of emails and messages from fans hoping to tap into their psychic and mediumship gifts. There are plenty of gifted people around the world who want to better understand how to navigate their abilities and unfortunately there’s no manual that comes with them to guide us. This lead me to the creation of Dead University, an online course designed by me teaching you most of what you will need to know to fully develop into confident light workers.
Author: Allison DuBois (Page 10 of 18)
We’re currently casting for my new series Buried Emotions. This got me thinking about why I want to make this series so badly. What’s the point? I knew I wanted to help the families of the deceased, because I recognize that long after the yellow crime scene tape is removed or the brightly colored flowers on their grave have lost their color and died, the families are left picking up the pieces of their lives and learning how to get out of bed in the morning and exist. I want to help the families who mourn to ‘rejoin the living’.
I noticed a long time ago that grieving people hold their breath or take very shallow breaths. They go through the motions of life but they’re not exactly living. They’re robotically moving through life, suffering in silence. All I want to do is help these families to live again and I want people who are watching Buried Emotions to see the transformation when the color returns to a mother’s face. I want them to see her smile for the first time since she lost her son. To be able to speak for the dead is a huge responsibility, but some of us are wired to do so. I’m taking it to the next level by showing you the process of reconnection; reconnecting the living with dead. Buried Emotions is about resurrecting the living!
On this week’s episode of The Dead Life I have two special guests. My first special guest is my middle daughter Fallon DuBois and joining her is the young lady I use to refer to as my “Fourth Child”, the talented actress who played Bridget on MEDIUM, Maria Lark! Fans loved all three actresses who played my girls on MEDIUM but they held a special place in their hearts for Maria, their quirky favorite little personality on the show.