the Medium

Author: Allison DuBois (Page 10 of 53)

Son of a Famous Medium

This week on The Dead Life, I have a special guest, who’s the son of one of the first famous mediums to grace television, Richard Ireland. His son Mark Ireland has written a book about Mediums, Spirit Visitations, and Afterlife Communication titled, “The Persistence of the Soul”. I’ve known Mark for many years and I know my Dead Life listeners will be fascinated by his journey.

Mark Ireland

Mark Ireland is the cofounder of Helping Parents Heal, an organization with more than
26,000 members that assists bereaved parents worldwide. He has participated in mediumship research studies conducted by the University of Arizona and the University of Virginia, and he currently operates a Medium Certification program. The author of Soul Shift, he lives in Camas, Washington.

Happy Halloween!

Today on The Dead Life, Joe and I, are answering your call-in questions! My listeners are “think tanks” of the Paranormal, they have the most compelling stories about life after death and spirit signs. Keep your questions coming!
If you want to leave me a message about hauntings or paranormal experiences that you’ve witnessed that might be shared on a future episode of The Dead Life, leave your message at 802.DEAD.811 802.332.3811.

Joe DuBois

Joe DuBois has been Allison’s husband since 1993. Throughout these years, not only has he worked as an aerospace engineer designing spacecraft, he has also been right beside Allison, supporting her career with technical and emotional support.

Hauntings, Mediums, and TV

Today on The Dead Life, in the spirit of Halloween, we’re talking about Hauntings! Most of us have experienced signs from the Otherside, whether it be knocks in the walls, lights turning themselves on and off, or our pets reacting to spiritual presences in the house. The dead communicate with us in many different ways. In this episode I will be sharing my views on TV shows that explore the paranormal.
If you want to leave me a message about hauntings that you’ve experienced that might be shared on a future episode of The Dead Life, leave it at 802.332.3811.

Joe DuBois

Joe DuBois has been Allison’s husband since 1993. Throughout these years, not only has he worked as an aerospace engineer designing spacecraft, he has also been right beside Allison, supporting her career with technical and emotional support.

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